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Espacios comunitarios

El equipo de BFREE de Northwell Health puede reconocer a los espacios públicos y comunitarios por ser amigos de la lactancia. Al fomentar un entorno favorable a la lactancia para los miembros de la comunidad, estará ayudando a los padres y los hará sentir bienvenidos.

*No se espera que los socios comiencen este proceso sin la ayuda y los recursos del Equipo BFREE.


Steps to Support:

  1. Provide a Private Space. The space must not be a bathroom and should be free from intrusion. Nursing parents in these spaces should also have access to an electrical outlet and running water. 

  2. Provide education to work staff. Keep all employees up-to-date on the lactation friendly policies that your organization supports. Distribute or make available breast/chestfeeding information and resources at the site for interested community members.

  3. Provide support. A positive, accepting attitude from colleagues helps parents build confidence in their ability to continue breast/chestfeeding!


For additional guidance, this self-assessment was developed to help guide and assist community spaces in improving their breastfeeding policies and procedures.


Catholic Charities of Long Island WIC Program


Mommas House (Glen Cove and Levittown)

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Good Beginnings for Babies- Leeds Place

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