Empowering parents to breastfeed every step of the way
Recursos generales
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El grupo BFREE
(Breastfeeding Resiliency, Engagement, and Empowerment)
Centro Médico de Cohen Children's
Recursos en nuestras comunidades
Updated 9/7/2017
Glen Cove
Condado de Nassau
Condado de Suffolk
Consejos útiles
A Breastfeeding Checklist: Are You Nursing Correctly? (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Breastfeeding: Hints to Help You Get Off to a Good Start (American Academy of Family Medicine)
Common Myths About Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
FAQs About Breastfeeding (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist) ​​
The First Feeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Things to Avoid When Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Warning Signs of Breastfeeding Problems (American Academy of Pediatrics)
¿Por qué amamantar?
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Psychological Benefits of Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Problemas comúnes
Clogged Milk Ducts (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Common Feeding Problems (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Discomfort When Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Engorgement (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Keeping Up Your Milk Supply (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Possible Problems: Inverted, Flat, or Pierced Nipples (American Academy of Pediatrics)
La longitud y la frecuencia de amamantar
Breastfeeding on Demand (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System (American Academy of Pediatrics)
How Often to Breastfeed (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Making Sure Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk (American Academy of Pediatrics)
La expresión manual de la leche materna
Hand Expression of Breastmilk (Stanford Medicine)
Dieta y medicaciones
Alcohol & Breast Milk (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Birth Control and Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Breastmilk and Your Diet (American Academy of Pediatrics)
How a Healthy Diet Helps You Breastfeed (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Infant Allergies and Food Sensitivities (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Information for Vegetarians (American Academy of Pediatrics)
LactMed (NIH US National Library of Medicine)
This NIH database contains information on medications and other chemicals that breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels of such substances in breast milk and infant blood, possible adverse effects in the nursing infant, and suggested therapeutic alternatives, where appropriate. ​
Medication Safety Tips for the Breastfeeding Mom (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Guardando la leche materna
10 Tips for Flying with Breast Milk (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Tips for Freezing & Refrigerating Breast Milk (American Academy of Pediatrics)​
Para familias
A Message for Dads (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Dad's Role in Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Facts for Fathers About Breastfeeding (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Keeping Your Partner Actively Involved (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Otros recursos
Breastfeeding Partners -- www.breastfeedingpartners.org
Designed specifically for breastfeeding peer counselors, this website has the most up-to-date breastfeeding information. Many of the available resources would be helpful in educating breastfeeding mothers.
Feeding Your Baby -- www.feedingyourbaby.org
Feeding Your Baby is a website for new mothers to learn about infant nutrition. This useful information and nutrition advice will help mothers get the most out of feeding their babies. Mothers can download reports about their feeding practices and give this report to their doctors, nurses or breastfeeding specialists who will be able to address questions and challenges.
Kelly Mom -- www.kellymom.com
Kelly Mom was developed by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. This website provides a community with helpful and encouraging resources.
La Leche League -- www.llli.org
La Leche League is dedicated to helping mothers to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education. The organization promotes a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important aspect of healthy development for both baby and mother.